Trying to figure out how to pay for college without taking on tens of thousands of dollars in student loans? You're not alone. One of the best strategies to combat student debt is applying to scholarships. The problem is many families get overwhelmed and quit before they even begin!
In my webinar, 6 Steps to Quickly Securing Scholarships for College, you'll learn exactly how to help your student avoid decades of debt by securing scholarships to pay the bill - it is possible! I'll be sharing how I received over $126,000 in scholarships and have since helped families secure $12.8 million.
FREE GIFT: a free chapter from the 2nd edition of my bestselling book "The Scholarship System: 6 Simple Steps to Win College Scholarships and Secure Financial Aid" when you attend!
" The book you now hold in your hands is one of the greatest (and simplest) guides I have ever seen to master the scholarship process. "
— Adam Carroll, CEO at National Financial Educators
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