For many college students, being away at school isn’t easy. Often, they are subjected to incredible amounts of stress, aren’t getting enough sleep, and might not be eating right. On top of that, they may also be very lonely. So, consider taking time to remind them you are thinking of them by sending a care package
Read MoreMake Scholarship Essays Stand Out by Avoiding These 4 Clichés
Essays are a common requirement for scholarship applications, and you stand the best chance of being selected if your essay stands out. To create content that will stand out from the crowd, make sure to avoid these four scholarship essay cliches.
Read More5 Quick Tips to Maximize the Holiday Break for the College Process
The holiday season is upon us. While this often represents time to spend with family, it is also a great time to catch up on the college prep that has fallen to the wayside
Read MoreHow to Get Money for College: 10-Point Checklist to Help Your Child
While scholarships can sometimes seem like mystical creatures, the truth is that students are awarded billions of dollars in scholarships every single year. Check out our 10-point checklist below to help your child be competitive for scholarships.
Read MoreHow Grants and Scholarships Help Needy Students to Complete Higher Studies
How can grants and scholarships help needy students to complete higher studies? These days, educational costs are sky-high. As a result, very few students are able to fund their college costs. The parents are equally not able to fund their kid’s higher education as they’re going through a lack of cash flow. Parents are gradually…
Read MoreThe Complete Reference Guide on How to Pay for College: FAFSA, Financial Aid, Scholarships, Student Loans and More
Do you know how to pay for college? Are you fully prepared to cover the substantial expense of college? Do you want a better understanding of FAFSA, financial aid, scholarships, student loans, and all those key terms for paying for college? And for those with students already in college, are you paying for college in the…
Read More5 Common Mistakes That Increase the Cost of College
The cost of college is not declining. This is well-known. And with the constant reminder that student loan debt is getting out of hand, parents and students are trying to find ways to make higher education more affordable. Even so, some families may not even realize that they are voluntarily increasing their expenses. If your…
Read More4 Scholarship Myths That Lead to Student Loans (And How to Overcome Them)
Paying for college is only getting more and more challenging over time. With tuition and costs increasing at a rate much higher than inflation, it’s nearly impossible for families to be able to afford it on their own – especially with multiple students. This leads to students borrowing huge amounts of money and signing up…
Read MoreThe Most Difficult Part of Applying for Scholarships
The scholarship process can be a scary and grueling task for many students. It can even be scary for parents – desperate for their child to secure some free funding, yet unsure of where to start. According to most of my students, one of the hardest parts of applying for scholarships is finding appropriate scholarships…
Read More3 Quick Tricks to Streamlining Your Scholarship Process
Keeping track of everything you need for scholarship applications can be overwhelming. Scholarship applications Logins Passwords Essays Recommendation letters Transcript requests SAT & ACT score requests Schedule information College information ….the list goes on. If your student is trying to avoid debt, scholarships are a great option. They can cover a range of college costs…
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