When tuition bills arrive, many parents and students wonder where all that money actually goes. As college costs continue to rise, understanding how colleges spend these funds and the various sources of college funding can offer some clarity. Scholarships are an ideal way to cover the cost of college without student loans. If you and…
Read MoreThe Real Reasons Why College Tuition is So High and What you Can Do About it
Everyone has seen news about skyrocketing college expenses and wondered, Why is college so expensive?” It’s everywhere anyone looks, and it only seems to be getting worse. It’s no secret college tuition is too high, has risen too quickly, and debt is unmanageable for a staggering number of students. Student loan debt in the U.S. has reached…
Read MoreA Complete College Prep Checklist: High School Junior Year
Wow, can you believe it?! Your student’s junior year already marks the halfway point of their high school journey and is a pivotal time. Colleges and universities look closely at their grades, scheduled courses, and activities when making admissions decisions. For both students and parents, it is imperative to stay on top of the whole…
Read MoreWhat is Room and Board & What Will It Cost You?
As the academic year begins, a new batch of high school seniors typically set their sights on college. They start reviewing options, identifying college costs, and preparing their applications for admission (if they haven’t done so already). When reviewing costs at each school, room and board is a standard line item on the list, especially…
Read More24 Scholarships To Apply To Over Summer Break
Have these deadlines passed? Click here for our most recent list of scholarships! School is almost out, and summer will be in full swing soon. While it’s tempting for your student to want to hit the beach and make lasting memories with friends and family, getting a head start on the competition and applying for…
Read MoreHow Do Student Loans Work? A Step-by-Step Guide
The idea of paying for college is stressful for students and their parents alike. Add to that the complexity surrounding financial aid packets and how federal student loans work, and it’s no wonder many people feel overwhelmed. To help you navigate through these mysterious waters, and provide you with some peace of mind, here is…
Read MoreThe Scholarship System Annual Scholarship Opportunity
At The Scholarship System, one of our core beliefs is to avoid student loan debt or limit it to the lowest amount possible. While sometimes it can be inevitable, we always stress that there are two sides to graduating debt-free: reducing the amount of money needed and earning debt-free money to cover what you do…
Read MoreScholarships For Students 14 Years Old & Younger
We have all heard the phrase, “The early bird gets the worm,” and the same holds true for college scholarships. Did you know students don’t need to wait until their junior or senior year in high school to start searching, researching, prep, applying, and securing scholarships? It’s true! There are several scholarship opportunities for students…
Read MoreWhat Is the Student Aid Index (SAI)? Your Questions Answered
Beginning with the 2024-25 academic year, a new calculation will determine students’ eligibility for various kinds of financial aid. The Student Aid Index (SAI) is effectively replacing the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) figure, becoming the formal assessment of a student’s financial need. Depending on the results of the SAI calculation, students enrolled in college during…
Read MoreA Complete College Prep Checklist: High School Freshman and Sophomore Year
The road to college starts now! There are many things your student can do during their high school freshman and sophomore years to make sure they are ready for college and school years beyond. Since colleges look at your student’s accomplishments from ALL four years of high school, you don’t want your child to wait until their…
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