When college students need to cover the cost associated with getting their degree, many assume that student loans are always part of the financial aid package. While many schools do include loans as a means of paying for their programs, there are also colleges that meet 100% financial need entirely loan-free. This means your child…
Read More7 Useful College Scholarship Tips for Homeschoolers
When it comes to paying for college, scholarships are the way to go. But many homeschoolers (and their parents) worry that there may not be as many opportunities out there for them, largely because they didn’t follow the traditional educational path. However, there are a lot of opportunities for homeschoolers. Not every scholarship considers a…
Read MorePersonal Assets That Can Help You Pay for College
Figuring out how to pay for your child’s college education can be daunting. If your student has a shortfall, then figuring out if any personal assets are viable options for making up the difference is wise. Even if your child could cover it with student loans, choosing to use certain personal assets to pay for…
Read MoreHow to Write Winning Scholarship Essays
The vast majority of legitimate and reputable scholarships are going to require an essay as part of the application process, which means your student needs to know how to write winning scholarship essays. Otherwise, they may miss out on exciting opportunities for free money to help pay for college, increasing the odds that they’ll need…
Read More8 Easy Ways to Motivate Your Child to Apply for Scholarships
When it comes to paying for college, scholarships are hard to be. The money doesn’t have to be repaid and opportunities are fairly plentiful, often being offered by states, companies, and a variety of philanthropic organizations. While the idea of getting money from scholarships is often appealing, the actual process of applying usually isn’t. It…
Read MoreA Parent’s Perspective: How We Helped Our Daughters Secure Scholarships
As a parent to two college students, I was highly involved in their high school careers. They at times appreciated this support and at other times wanted more independence. Still, the scholarship process was a team effort for all of us. One area where I took the lead due to them being busy with high…
Read MoreHow to Organize Your List of Scholarship Applications
Is your list of scholarship applications growing out of control? Perhaps you’ve worked hard on an application and missed the deadline simply because the date fell off your radar? Organizing scholarship applications is key to earning as much money as possible and graduate debt free. Without any organization tool, the scholarship application process can quickly…
Read MoreA Parent’s Perspective: What Happened When My Daughter Gave Up On Scholarships
Spring is upon us in most areas of the country this month and with that comes the realization that the school year is coming to an end. If you have been applying for scholarships for the better part of the year, this can be a time of great apprehension. The financial worries are real as…
Read MoreHow Scholarships Can Free Up 529 Plan Money
At this point, most parents have heard about 529 plans. Perhaps you’ve even used one to save for your child’s college expenses. These college savings plans, known as a type of qualified tuition program, give families the ability to stash some cash away and earn tax-free interest to help their student pay for college expenses….
Read MoreIs Scholarship Displacement a Real Risk to Financial Aid?
Winning a scholarship is a wonderful feeling. Even if it doesn’t cover all of the costs associated with your child’s college, it makes it easier for other financial aid, like grants, to cover the rest. The one potential downfall, which we often receive questions about, is scholarship displacement. What is Scholarship Displacement? Scholarship displacement, sometimes…
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