Many students look into refinancing student loans. Often, getting a lower interest rate or monthly payment is the main goal, making an existing student loan more affordable. However, there can be other motivators for student loan refinancing, including avoiding defaulting on a debt. If your student is trying to avoid debt, scholarships are a great…
Read MoreHow to Find Local Scholarships to Pay for College
Local scholarships are a boon for students. Often, there’s less competition for the awards. This could make them easier to land, allowing students to bolster their funds and pay for college with greater ease. In some cases, they can even make a previously unaffordable school a real option. That’s right; local scholarships can make a…
Read MoreWhat Is Work-Study and How Does It Pay for College?
Paying for college can be challenging. Luckily, there are numerous options for financial aid, allowing students to secure opportunities to cover the cost. One such option is the work-study program. Work-study is unique. It isn’t just a student financial aid award. Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn valuable skills, gather work experience, and pay for…
Read More8 of the Best Online Jobs for College Students
Paying for college isn’t easy, which is why many students choose to work while they are in school. While traditional job options can be viable, there is often a better way. With one of the best online jobs for college students, your student can get more than just a paycheck. They could also get the…
Read MoreA Complete College Prep Checklist: High School Senior Year
If your student has headed into their senior year (Class of 2024), there’s no question that their high school senior year is exciting… but it’s also incredibly busy! Between the college admissions process, college applications, scholarships, financial aid process, testing, finals, prom, graduation and more, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. When it comes to college planning, it may…
Read More23 Scholarships To Apply For This Fall
Have these deadlines passed? Click here for our most recent list of scholarships! The end of the summer is nearing, and it’s back to school time! With school back in session, managing time can be tricky. Still, now is the time for your student to get back into a routine and begin preparing for important…
Read MoreA Complete List of No Loan Colleges (and What it Means to Your Student)
When college students need to cover the cost associated with getting their degree, many assume that student loans are always part of financial aid packages. While many schools do include loans as a means of paying for their programs, there are also no loan colleges that have a no loans policy, meeting 100% financial need…
Read MoreWhat is a 529 Plan and Which Ones Are the Best?
One of the best ways to save for college for your student is a 529 college savings plan. A 529 plan allows your family to sock away cash to pay for future educational expenses. Plus, your investment grows over time, usually at a rate that significantly beats traditional savings accounts. Scholarships are a great way…
Read MoreComplete Step-by-Step Guide on FAFSA & How to Get the Most Financial Aid
In the world of financial aid, the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is king. So, what is the FAFSA? It is a critical set of forms that determine whether a student is eligible for federal grants and loans, and is used by schools during the crafting of a student’s financial aid package. If…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Guide on How to Pay for College
How to pay for college; it’s one of the biggest questions on every student’s mind. After all, tuition, room and board, supplies, they all add up, and the totals can be shocking. While the core question is simple, the answer is often incredibly complex. There are so many options your student can pursue, and it…
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