The best way to know your child is choosing the right college depends on numerous factors. So, before you let the confusion surrounding the topic overwhelm you, here are some tips to make the whole decision more manageable.
Read MoreWhat to Do During Spring Break: Striking a Balance Between Work and Play
The official start of spring is drawing near. And that means Spring Break is just around the corner. But, how can a parent help their child strike a balance between work and play during this annual event? By using some of the tips found here.
Read MoreDepression Among College Students & the Impact of a Simple Care Package
For many college students, being away at school isn’t easy. Often, they are subjected to incredible amounts of stress, aren’t getting enough sleep, and might not be eating right. On top of that, they may also be very lonely. So, consider taking time to remind them you are thinking of them by sending a care package
Read MoreTax Season! Here’s What You Need to Know about Education Credits
Tax season isn’t often considered a fun time. But it is a chance to take advantage of certain educational tax benefits which may help lower the amount of federal taxes you owe this tax year.
Read More5 New Year’s Resolutions to Share with Your College-Aged Kids
Now that the New Year has started, most people choose a few resolutions to help guide them through the next year. While resolutions are often personal, there are numerous options that you can share with your college-aged children.
Read MoreIt’s College Acceptance Letter Time: Managing the Highs & Lows of being Accepted or Rejected
One of the most stressful times of the college application season has begun. To help you navigate the upcoming emotional minefield, here are some tips to make this exciting (and terrifying) time more manageable.
Read More10 Great Books to Read Before College for the College-Aged Kids in Your Life
While a high school education is critical for future success, you don’t learn everything you need to know about life while in school. If you want to get the student in your life moving out on the right foot, here are ten great books to give them some of the information they simply don’t cover in traditional education.
Read More15 Fun Holiday Season Activities to Enjoy with Your Kids
Whether your kids are home from college or high school, the holiday season is an opportunity to spend time together. Here are 15 activities you can all do this holiday season.
Read MoreHoliday Shopping for a College Student? Here’s What to Buy
Choosing a holiday gift for a college student can feel like a challenge. If you want to pick a holiday gift that is sure to brighten their day, here are some great options for all of the special students in your life
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