When your student begins searching for schools, finding the most affordable colleges is incredibly beneficial. After all, if they can keep the cost of their college education down, they can avoid costly student loans and potentially graduate debt-free. If you want to learn more about how your child can avoid student loan debt by winning scholarships, including…
Read More27 Awesome Animal Science Scholarships for Animal Lovers
Scholarships for animal lovers are a boon for many students concerned about animal welfare. Along with reducing the cost of college for those focused on animal care or animal behavior specialties or who plan to attend veterinary school, some awards recognize students’ academic excellence and contributions within their respective fields, while others are open to…
Read MoreImportant Changes to FAFSA You Need to Know
As students prepare to figure out how to pay for college, filling out the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) is always part of the process. Completing their FAFSA ensures colleges get critical details about a student’s financial situation, and the data within it can make them eligible for a wide array of financial aid…
Read MoreThe Ultimate List of Political Science Scholarships
If your student is interested in politics and government, political science scholarships might help them explore their passion without having to break the bank. In some cases, students who want to pursue careers in journalism or move on to law school also start by majoring in political science. Studying political science gives them insights into…
Read More71 Grants and Scholarships for Disabled Students
Figuring out how to cover the cost of college is challenging for all students, including students with disabilities. Fortunately, college scholarships and grants for disabled students can make a significant difference. Along with being money for college that doesn’t have to get paid back, there’s usually less competition for these awards since not all students…
Read More50 Colleges with Full Ride Scholarships
It’s no secret that college tuition is rising. That’s why full-ride scholarships are usually considered the holy grail of financial aid. Full-ride scholarships cover all of your student’s primary educational expenses. These awards sometimes go even further, providing stipends for handling costs beyond tuition, fees, room, board, and required supplies. If you want to learn…
Read MoreFuture Teachers – Here Are 53 Scholarships for Educators
Scholarships for educators help students who want to pursue a career in teaching reduce their cost of college. Plus, they can make having a career as an educator more affordable overall, as students can use scholarships to avoid student loan debt. As a result, if their starting income is initially lower, living comfortably is easier,…
Read More27 Scholarships for Business Majors
For students interested in studying business in college, scholarships for business majors are a boon. They can significantly reduce the cost of your student’s education. Plus, since they’re focused on specific majors, there may be less competition if your student focuses on business scholarships. If you want to find out more about college scholarships for…
Read MoreThe Ultimate List of Scholarships for Women and Girls
College can be expensive. That’s why scholarships for female high school seniors and current college students are so valuable. First, they help lower the cost of going to school, which is worthwhile in itself. Second, they are only open to female high school senior students enrolled, making them potentially less competitive. If you want to…
Read MoreWhat Are Micro Scholarships and Are They Worth It?
One of the biggest challenges that high schoolers and college students face is figuring out how to pay for their degrees. Fortunately, there is a wide array of scholarship opportunities, including a relatively new option called micro scholarships. When it comes to paying for college, scholarships of any size can make a difference. If you…
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