7 Unique Ways to Pay Down Student Loans While in College
Everyone knows that college is expensive. Often, students have to take out loans to make obtaining a degree possible, leaving them wondering what they could do to pay down student loans faster. Having a significant debt load hanging over their heads is burdensome, affecting their ability to acquire other financial products and requiring a serious chunk…
Read MoreHow Scholarships Can Free Up 529 Plan Money
At this point, most parents have heard about 529 plans. Perhaps you’ve even used one to save for your child’s college expenses. These college savings plans, known as a type of qualified tuition program, give families the ability to stash some cash away and earn tax-free interest to help their student pay for college expenses….
Read MoreHow to Use a Gap Year to Help Pay for College
A lot of students are intrigued by the idea of a gap year. Not only does this time away from academia remove the stress of keeping up with their studies, but many use this period to help explore who they are as a human being, see the world, volunteer with an organization that is close…
Read More5 Steps To Find Hidden Paid Internships
An internship can be a vital part of the college experience. Not only will they give your student experience in the real-world of business, but they can make your student especially competitive when pursuing an opening with the company of their dreams. Furthermore, internships are also exceptional learning opportunities. While most students use job postings…
Read MoreIs Scholarship Displacement a Real Risk to Financial Aid?
Winning a scholarship is a wonderful feeling. Even if it doesn’t cover all of the costs associated with your child’s college, it makes it easier for other financial aid, like grants, to cover the rest. The one potential downfall, which we often receive questions about, is scholarship displacement. What is Scholarship Displacement? Scholarship displacement, sometimes…
Read More33 Scholarships To Apply To Over Spring Break
Want a PDF copy of this list of scholarships sent right to your Facebook inbox? Click the button below. While spring break should be a time for your student to catch up on rest and relaxation, it’s also the perfect time to find and apply to scholarships to help fund their college education. Taking…
Read MoreHow Involved Should Parents Be in the Scholarship Process?
Let’s face facts; most parents would do just about anything to help their children succeed. But, when it comes to their child’s scholarship applications, how much parental involvement is appropriate? And when have you crossed a line? This is a question I often get from parents so we thought we’d offer some suggestions on how…
Read MoreWhat to Do NOW to Maximize Financial Aid if You Have a 10th or 11th Grader
While most parents understand that it is never too early to plan for their child’s college education, many don’t realize that prepping for the FAFSA is included in that process, particularly for those whose children are in their sophomore or junior year. Did you know that the tax information that needs to be included on…
Read MoreHow to Save Thousands on College with AP, IB, and CLEP Exams
Did you know that your student can earn college credit in high school just for taking certain subject tests? And at a fraction of the cost that a college would charge? How can your child pull that off? By taking AP, IB, and CLEP Exams! These opportunities award college credit to high schoolers for passing tests…
Read More8 Best Websites to Find College Scholarships
With over $49 billion in grants and scholarships out there (according to Debt.org) you won’t want your child to miss the opportunity to secure free money to help pay for college. There are a ton of college scholarship websites that help students find funding for college, but figuring out which ones are worth their (and…
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