14 Unique Graduation Gift Ideas for High Schoolers
Graduating from high school is a major milestone in life for nearly everyone’s life and a time to celebrate. It marks a transition into adulthood, even for young adults and those who are continuing their studies by heading off to college. Providing your high school grad with a unique graduation gift is an excellent way to…
Read MoreCareers That Will Pay Off Student Loans
Student loans are a burden. They are often large debts, leaving borrowers saddled with massive monthly payments for years, even decades. And that’s what makes finding careers that will pay off student loans enticing. While it sounds like a thing of myth, these options actually do exist. There are careers that will pay off student…
Read MoreHow to Organize Your List of Scholarship Applications
Is your list of scholarship applications growing out of control? Perhaps you’ve worked hard on an application and missed the deadline simply because the date fell off your radar? Organizing scholarship applications is key to earning as much money as possible and graduate debt free. Without any organization tool, the scholarship application process can quickly…
Read MoreTop Choice College or Graduate Debt Free? How to Choose
Once the applications are processed and the acceptance letters roll in, it’s easy to get excited, especially if your child got accepted by their dream school. But, acceptance isn’t everything. Financial aid packages are usually quick to follow, detailing exactly what kind of support your student will receive while they pursue their education. And, just…
Read MoreA Parent’s Perspective: What Happened When My Daughter Gave Up On Scholarships
Spring is upon us in most areas of the country this month and with that comes the realization that the school year is coming to an end. If you have been applying for scholarships for the better part of the year, this can be a time of great apprehension. The financial worries are real as…
Read MoreCollege Decision Time! Are Double Deposits Ethical?
Let’s face facts; making a college decision is hard for students. Typically, they have limited information about what their life will be like at the school, and it can take a significant amount of time to determine which option is best for them. If your child has been wait-listed at their top choice school, their…
Read More7 Things You Can Do to Pay for College
As college decision day draws closer, many students are still scrambling to make sure they have enough money to pay for college. In most cases, your child will have their financial aid award letters available, providing you with enough information to determine what they will need to pay for college at the schools where they’ve…
Read More7 Unique Ways to Pay Down Student Loans While in College
Everyone knows that college is expensive. Often, students have to take out loans to make obtaining a degree possible, leaving them wondering what they could do to pay down student loans faster. Having a significant debt load hanging over their heads is burdensome, affecting their ability to acquire other financial products and requiring a serious chunk…
Read MoreHow Scholarships Can Free Up 529 Plan Money
At this point, most parents have heard about 529 plans. Perhaps you’ve even used one to save for your child’s college expenses. These college savings plans, known as a type of qualified tuition program, give families the ability to stash some cash away and earn tax-free interest to help their student pay for college expenses….
Read MoreHow to Use a Gap Year to Help Pay for College
A lot of students are intrigued by the idea of a gap year. Not only does this time away from academia remove the stress of keeping up with their studies, but many use this period to help explore who they are as a human being, see the world, volunteer with an organization that is close…
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